Thursday, June 06, 2002

Move against Iraq is coming

So says Pejman Yousefzadeh in his Tech Central article, linked from his blog site. He also linked to this UPI article that says the US government is already planning for a post-Saddam Iraq, to which one can only say, "Huzzah!"

Back on May 13 I wrote:
I think the Bush administration will follow a strategy basically like this:

  • Tell NATO and the the other countries of Arabysmalia that the USA needs to further justification for decisive war against Iraq, is capable of conducting the war entirely on its own if need be, and is ready to start any time.
  • But will hold off military action and join in demanding Iraq submit to the full inspection regime without delay if and only if the other nations agree that if Iraq fails to comply, a casus belli for decisive American military actions exists with no further debate.
  • When Saddam does not comply, use their non-compliance as the centerpiece of the casus belli both domestically and internationally.

  • I stand by that. The only thing I'll waffle on is the timing. The political moment of opportunity will be just as important as the military one.

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