Tuesday, June 18, 2002

". . . a demon-possessed pedophile who had 12 wives, and his last one was a nine-year-old girl . . ."
. . . is how the Rev. Jerry Vines, former president of the Southern Baptist Convention and currently serving as pastor of First Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Florida, described the founder of Islam, Moahammed.

Actually, Rev. Vines is not quite correct. Mohammed married his favorite wife, Aisha, when she was six, not nine. He consummated the marriage when she was nine.

What a sicko.

Vines left out some other details of Mohammed's life, such as the fact that he was a mass murderer, killing thousands of Jewish men and other undesirables after he had won battlefield victories. He then enslaved the women and children.

However, according to this NRO report, "Hussein Ibish, a spokesman for the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, lamely countered that a lot of what happened "1,500 years ago" is "mythological" and "shrouded"; no one knows for sure if it's true, and, anyway, "it's not the point."

It is a good point, even if a lame one, and Jerry Falwell, even, kind of gagged at the "demon-possessed" part. Unlike Christians, who hold the founder of their faith to be actual deity, Muslims make no such claim for Mohammed. (They do venerate him, though.) In brief, Muslims give Mohammed a special place in their religion, but not near the privileged place that Christians give Christ.

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