Tuesday, June 18, 2002

Why there's no score for K-19
Earlier, I wondered why the ads for the movie K-19, the Widow Maker have no original music, but recycle from hits past. Now Ed Driscoll (link at left) advises me -
The score is often one of the last elements added to a film, as the music has to be timed to the action on the screen--so the film has to be fairly close to a final cut before that can occur. (Occasionally, the music is recorded first and the action cut to it--or as in the case of many of Stanley Kubrick's films, classical music can be used and the film cut to that). Which is why often the same music is used over and over again for trailers--Apollo 13 and Braveheart's soundtrack are fairly commonly recycled, for example.

However, according to the Internet Movie Database, Klaus Badelt and Geoff Zanelli are doing the score to K19.

So Hans Zimmer is not doing the score, as I had assumed. Ed, thanks for the info!

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