Friday, June 21, 2002

Interesting quote
Reader Brian (no last name given) makes this observation in response to my essay on the comparison between Western law and Islamic law:
"They" just aren't like us ... and it is terribly frustrating and not a little terrifying to appreciate that there are very many in our own country assume that the old axiom "Come, let us reason together" is a useful way to approach Islamists.

How do you get committed people to change their minds (both Islamists and our well meaning but misguided citizens)?

"Once a commitment is made, the nature of thought changes. The committed heart is not so much interested in a careful evaluation of the merits of a course of action, but in proving that he or she is right." (A. Pratkinis (1995) "How to sell a pseudoscience", Skeptical Inquirer, 19:20-25.

Excellent point, Brian. Thank you for reading and for writing!

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